
Gillian Greville Harris

University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, UK,
United Kingdom

Dr Gillian Harris has carried out research into infant and child feeding behaviour and appetite regulation at the University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, UK, for the past 38 years. She was also a Consultant Paediatric Clinical Psychologist for 30 years, and led a feeding clinic at The Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK, where she worked with infants and children who were food averse. She now runs a private clinical service for children and adults with Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder(ARFID) many of whom have co-morbid ASD or ADHD. Her specific research and clinical interest is the development of food acceptance and rejection in early infancy and later childhood, and the effect of early experience on later food preferences. She has written around 100 published papers, articles and book chapters on these areas, and been awarded multiple research grants to support her research. She has also made many media appearances, both on television and radio. Her latest book, on Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, was published in 2018.

Managing picky eaters
Nutrition Symposium: Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
13 October 2022 (1600-1730) @ Sipadan Hall 3

Managing Picky Eaters Gillian Greville Harris Picky or avoidant eating in children is usually due to one of two things: the onset of the neophobic stage of food refusal at around the age of 2 years, or sensory hyper-reactivity to the taste, smell, texture or appearance of both new and previously experienced foods. Children will eventually grow out of the neophobic response, but those children who are extremely sensory reactive will continue to show avoidant eating throughout childhood. The developmental trajectories of food refusal will be described and the management strategies that will enable good growth and eventual food acceptance in both neophobia and moderate avoidant eating will be discussed. The diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (DSM5) will also be addressed.

Understanding and Managing Parenting styles and its role in feeding disorders (Case Studies)
Nutrition and Growth Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

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