
Takehisa Ueno


Dr Takehisa UENO is the current director of Department of Transplantation Medicine at Osaka University Hospital, Osaka, Japan. He is also being appointed as an Associate professor in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan.

Following his graduation from faculty of medicine, Osaka University, Japan in 1998, he received further training in The University of Tokyo Hospital, followed by Baylor University Medical Center, Texas, USA and University of Miami, Florida, USA as ASTS Transplant fellow. He published widely in the field of transplant medicine and pediatric surgery.

Short Bowel Syndrome and Small Bowel Transplantation
Nutrition Symposium: Intestinal failure/ Parenteral nutrition
14 October 2022 (1500-1630) @ Sipadan Hall 3

The long-term prognosis of intestinal failure (IF), such as short gut syndrome, has been improved with the development of parenteral nutrition (PN). However, lack of central venous access or intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD) may make it difficult to continue. The ultimate treatment for IF is small bowel transplantation (SBT). However, SBT is not prevalent in all patients with SGS. In particular, the cases of SBT in Asia have been reported far behind that in Europe and the United States. In recent years, multidisciplinary dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, and MSWs have collaborated on PN for medical treatment, surgical treatment, and SBT for IF, including SGS. Intestinal rehabilitation has become the standard treatment. SBT has come to be positioned as one therapeutic option for intestinal rehabilitation. This will improve not only total care for IF, but also SBT for IF patients. Intestinal Transplant Association (ITA), which has long been a leader in small bowel transplantation internationally, changed its name to the Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Association (IRTA) in 2017. In this context, we will consider the treatment of SGS.

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