
Andy Darma

Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Dr. Sutomo General Academic Hospital and Faculty of Medicine of UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA

Dr Andy Darma is the Pediatric Gastroenterologist of the Department of Child Health, Dr. Sutomo General Academic Hospital and Faculty of Medicine of UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Indonesia. He received his training as a medical doctor and subsequently a pediatrician and gastroenterologist at Dr Sutomo Hospital of Indonesia. He also underwent fellowship training in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at Royal Children Hospital Melbourne – Australia from 2012 till 2014.
He is presently the full member of Indonesian Pediatric Society and Asia Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (APPSPGHAN),  Member of Scientific Subcommittee Endoscopy APPSPGHAN as well as Corresponding Member of European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN). He is also the secretary of Indonesian Scientific Society of Probiotic-Prebiotic, member of the Pediatric Gastrohepatology Working group of Indonesian Pediatric Society, committee of Institutional Review Board and Research Coordinator of Dr Sutomo General Academic Hospital.

Tips for OGDS- including simple foreign body removal
Endoscopy Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

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