
Syed Asad Ali

Associate Dean / Aga Khan University

Dr Syed Asad Ali is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health,  The Aga Khan University. He is the Associate Dean Research and The Noordin Noormahomed Sheriff Endowed Chair, AKU Medical College, Pakistan. He obtained his clinical training in Pediatrics at Duke University (USA), followed by a Fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Masters in Public Health at the Vanderbilt University (USA) in 2009.

Dr. Ali maintains a broad clinical portfolio and participates actively in the advocacy of issues related to infectious disease and vaccines within Pakistan and in the region. He is a member of National COVID19 Vaccine Technical Committee of Pakistan and also the Chair of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) Review Committee, Ministry of National Health Services, Pakistan. He served as the general secretary of the Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Society of Pakistan from 2013-2015. He currently serves as a Member of the International Pediatric Association (IPA) Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on Environmental Health and as the President of AKU Medical College Alumni Association, Asia chapter.   

Dr. Ali‘s research interests pertain broadly to pediatric public health challenges of developing countries, especially pneumonia, diarrhea and malnutrition. He has published over 110 peer-reviewed articles and contributes in numerous book chapters. He was the principal investigator of two PATH sponsored trials to study the factors responsible for lower immunogenecity of rotavirus vaccines in developing countries. He is the principal investigator of two Gates Foundation funded projects to better characterize environmental enteropathy, a key precursor of chronic malnutrition in children in developing countries. He is also the recipient of the Aga Khan University Award for Excellence in Research in 2022.

Environmental Enteropathy: Common Yet Underrecognised
Gastro Symposium: Diarrhoeal disorder in the developing countries
14 October 2022 (1330-1500) @ Sipadan Hall 1

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