
Mark Beattie

United Kingdom

Professor R Mark Beattie is a Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist/Honorary Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Southampton, UK and the lead for the Wessex Regional Paediatric Gastroenterology service. His main clinical and research interests include the Aetiology and Nutritional Management of Chronic Disease, particularly Inflammatory Bowel Disease. He is the clinical lead in the Southampton Paediatric IBD Genetics Research team. He has published widely in Paediatric Gastroenterology with more than 180 pubmed cited publications. He is the author of multiple clinical revision texts, and the Oxford Handbook of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition now in 2nd edition. He is Editor in Chief of Frontline Gastroenterology (2018 -) and Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Gastroenterology (2020 -). He was President of the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition from 2010-3 and Editor in Chief of Archives of Disease in Childhood, BMJ from 2012-7.

Optimising growth in the very preterm infants: Review the evidence
Nutrition Symposium : Nutritional Issues in Children: Special Consideration
13 October 2022 (1100-1300) @ Sipadan Hall 3

Complicated Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Meet the expert session (Day 3)
15 October 2022 (0730-0830) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Introduction to academic writing
Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Presentation of current research work by participants (3 slides maximum each) followed by discussion
Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Presentation of current research work by participants (3 slides maximum each) followed by discussion (Contd)
Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Talk on publishing a paper
Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Mock Editorial Committee (Selecting the best paper)
Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Academic Writing Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Faculty List