
Aileen Wee

Emeritus Consultant Pathologist, dept of Pathology, National University Hospital

Professor Aileen Wee graduated from the University of Singapore in 1975 with MB,BS. She trained in Histopathology at the Department of Pathology, University of Singapore, and obtained her specialist degree in Histopathology from both the Royal Colleges of Pathologists in Australasia and the United Kingdom. She is a member of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), Laennec Liver Pathology Society, and International NAFLD Pathology Group (INPG).
Her research interests include fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy of liver and hepatobiliary pathology, and liver transplantation pathology.  Dr Wee published extensively on FNA biopsy of the liver.  She was involved in the development of qFibrosis - a computer-assisted image-based quantitative system employing second harmonic generation and two photon excitation fluorescence (SHG/TPEF) for the evaluation of fibrosis in liver biopsies.
Professor Wee is a reviewer and advisor on several regional/international journals, has published over 149 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and is co-author of several books. She was Director of Undergraduate Medical Education, Department of Pathology (1985 -2012), member of Medical Curriculum Review Committee and Phase II Co-ordinator for the medical undergraduate programme at YLLSoM (1995 - 2012). She was past Chair of the Specialist Training Committee (Pathology) in Singapore and was a member of the Specialist Accreditation Board, Singapore.
Currently, her work focuses on AI-assisted qualitative and quantitative digital pathology analysis of NAFLD/NASH; the establishment of qFIBS for the quantitation of Fibrosis, lobular Inflammation, Ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes, and Steatosis has potential application for enrollment and evaluation of efficacy endpoints in clinical trials for NASH patients.
As Course Director, Dr Wee has organized 9 consecutive Diagnostic Cytopathology Workshops for pathologists, cytopathologists, cytotechnologists and residents from Singapore and the region from 2004 to 2018. She has travelled extensively in the region and internationally to deliver invited lectures at scientific meetings and to conduct cytopathology, hepatobiliary pathology, and liver transplantation pathology workshops.

Clinicopathological approach to liver biopsy interpretation - How to make sense of a histopathology report
Histopathology Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Pediatric NAFLD / NASH and liver fibrosis - Updates on histological criteria and assessment of liver fibrosis
Histopathology Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Liver transplantation - Problem-oriented approach with tips to common clinical issues
Histopathology Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

Case studies (45 min) - A variety of cases with learning issues will be presented for discussion.
Histopathology Workshop
12 October 2022 (0800-1700) @ Sipadan Hall 1

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