
Huma Arshad Cheema

Professor of Ped Gastroenterology-Hepatology (Emeritus) Children's Hospital & University of Child Health Lahore

Professional Achievements
  • Pioneered the discipline of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology in Pakistan.
  • Established the first Fellowship program for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Pakistan .
  • Developed the Only Genetic and Rare disease center in the department of Hepatology Children’s Hospital. Part of the team in establishing the Bone marrow transplant program at Children’s hospital along with the hematology oncology group .The program was started 6 years back and is now the most successful Pediatric Stem cell transplant program for Children in Pakistan
  • Developed the first Inborn error of Metabolism diagnosis and treatment facility in the department with help of donors.
  • Started the first prenatal screening of all genetic disorders free of cost with help of international collaborators. No other center in Pakistan does Prenatal screening for all genetic disorders.
Memberships / Positions in Societies
  • Chairperson Pakistan Pediatric Association (PPA) GI group
  • Council member APPSPGHAN (Asia Pan Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology
  • Council member CAPGAN
  • Member FISPGHAN (Federation of international Societies of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition)
  • Member Task Force on Genetic diseases Government of Pakistan  
  • Member Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology & GI endoscopy
  • Member Pakistan society of Hepatology
  • Supervisor and Examiner for General Pediatrics Fellowship of College of Physicians and Surgeons (FCPS) Pakistan
  • Supervisor and Examiner for Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology of College of Physicians and Surgeons FCPS (Ped GI) Pakistan

Childhood Wilson’s disease: an Asian perspective
Liver Symposium: Genetic and metabolic liver diseases
14 October 2022 (1030-1200) @ Sipadan Hall 2

Faculty List