
Helen Evans

Paediatric Hepatologist
Service Clinical Director, Starship Child Health, Te Toka Tumai
New Zealand

Dr Helen Evans is a Paediatric Hepatologist at Starship Child Health, Auckland, New Zealand. She is also the Service Clinical Director for Paediatric Medical Specialities and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Auckland. Her main clinical and research interests include liver disease and transplantation, intestinal failure and quality improvement. She was involved in the creation of the New Zealand National Intestinal Failure and Rehabilitation Service, which she lead for many years. She is Associate Editor for Pediatric Transplantation and sits on several national and international committees relevant to her field.

Autoimmune liver disease
Liver Symposium
13 October 2022 (1400-1530) @ Sipadan Hall 2

Nutrition in Chronic liver disease
Nutrition Symposium : Nutritional Issues in Children: Special Consideration
13 October 2022 (1100-1300) @ Sipadan Hall 3

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