
Felizardo Gatcheco

Pediatric Gastroenterologist/Clinical Epidemiologist

  • Graduate of UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Pediatric residency at Manila Doctors Hospital
  • Fellowship in pediatric gastroenterology and applied nutrition at UP-PGH
  • Masters in Clinical Epidemiology at UP College of Medicine
  • Fellow and Chair, Committee on Research of the Philippine Pediatric Society
  • Fellow and Past President, Philippine Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
  • Consultant of Manila Central University Hospital, Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Mandaluyong City Medical Center, Manila Adventist Medical Center
  • Member, Asian Society for Pediatric Research, Asia Pan Pacific Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Global Health Network Inc, International Probiotic Association, Rome Foundation

Approach In Addressing Micronutrient Deficiency In Young Children?
Nutrition Symposium: Nutrition and Micronutrients
15 October 2022 (0830-1000) @ Sipadan Hall 3

Micronutrient deficiency is one of the major problems affecting our children in the world, specifically in the Asian region. The deficiencies involving iron, zinc, Vitamin A, iodine and the like tend to be much higher nowadays than expected. Unfortunately, it can lead to a lot of clinical outcomes like reduced brain development, growth impairment, poor immunity, decreased working capacity and increased mortality. This presentation will provide us with some insights as to the etiology of such deficiencies, other possible outcomes and the different approached studied in the medical literature in terms of how to prevent micronutrient deficiencies involving supplementation, fortification, use of sprinkles or powders, biofortification and other strategies that might be helpful.

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