
Khoo Phaik Choo

Consultant Paediatrician
Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC)

The Essentials of Prevention Through Hexavalent Vaccine
Sponsored Lunch Symposium by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Sdn Bhd
13 October 2022 () @ Sipadan Hall 1

In her presentation, Dr Khoo highlights the sciences behind pertussis vaccines, with particular focus on the function of pertactin (PRN). PRN is a pertussis antigen which is expressed on the surface of Bordetella pertussis. Anti-PRN antibodies are able to effectively trigger the complement system and facilitate phagocytosis of the pathogen, leading to reduced bacterial load. Evidence shows that PRN-containing pertussis vaccines appear to have higher vaccine efficacy against pertussis, with up to 89% vaccine efficacy in one publication. Safety is of the utmost importance when making an informed decision for their child's vaccines. A safety meta analysis on the hexavalent vaccine was published last year, and the publication highlights potential differences between vaccines when it comes to local and systemic adverse events.

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