Welcome to APPSPGHAN 2022!
Something exciting is awaiting for you at APPSPGHAN 2022
Note: This is a physical meeting. Registration for hybrid meeting is only available for foreign delegates
Info updates:
For those who has registered for pre-congress workshop, please click here for latest updates15 July 2022 EXTENDED
What's Hybrid Congress
The Congress will be held in a hybrid format, meaning that it will combine an in-person event with online components.
Delegates will be able to choose to participate either in person or virtually, while speakers will be able to present their works in person at the venue or submit a pre-recorded presentation that will be streamed during the session(s).

Plenary Lectures
- Bill Marshall Memorial Lecture : Malnutrition -the Child at Risk
- Paediatric Liver Transplant in Asia-Pacific
- Management of Childhood Hepatitis B infection
- Gut Worms and Gut Microbiota
- Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis & Childhood Functional Abdominal Disorders
- Gut Microbiota & Childhood Undernutrition
- Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: the Next Epidemics in Asia?
- Primary immunodeficiency in Gastrointestinal and liver diseases in children

Pre-Congress Workshop

- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Neonatal cholestasis
- Intestinal failure / parenteral nutrition
- Viral hepatitis
- Autoimmune liver disease
- Pancreatitis
- Liver transplantation
- Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: (NAFLD)
- Diarrhoeal disease in developing countries
- Endoscopy
- Breastfeeding and complementary feeding
- Nutritional issues in Adolescent
- Genetic and metabolic disorders
* Certificate of Attendance & CPD Points will be awarded to Malaysian Doctors, Assistant Medical Officers, Nurses, Pharmacists and Dietitians.*
I believe the new way of engaging will benefit more delegates especially those who are working away from the urban areas. FULL MESSAGE

Yong Lai Mee
Malaysian Diabetes Educators Society
Through the virtual platform, we promise simulation of lively physical conference that all of us used to enjoy. FULL MESSAGE

Dr Hanis Saadah Husin
Organising Chairperson
MDES Virtual Conference 2022
Let us take the opportunity to network and learn from each other in this conference. We are looking forward to warmly welcome you. FULL MESSAGE